He got a chest x-ray and they saw that he has fluid in his lungs, more in the right than left. This tells that he has been aspirating the food that we have given him and even the food that has been in his stomach. When he has these coughing attacks (mostly Saturday night- all night long) he coughs so hard that he gags and then chokes because he is refluxing and when that fluid comes up he aspirates it which means it goes directly into his lungs. They have officially diagnosed it pneumonia because any fluid in the lungs is pneumonia. They put him on a powerful antibiotic and temporarily stopped his feeds yesterday and last night so that he wouldn't reflux his stomach fluid. He had a great night last night and actually slept and didn't have bad coughing attacks. He coughs every so often because there is still fluid in his lungs but not nearly as much as there was. They had to increase his oxygen yesterday but were able to ween him down to only 1 liter which is what he is on at home.
He had a good day today. Tyler stayed with him during the day so I could go home and get some sleep because I stayed over last night with him and hardly slept. But it is for sure a lot different when Burke is in the hospital here in the town we live in. We actually can go home and escape for a little bit. It is amazing the difference. Burke should only be in the hospital until tomorrow evening, but maybe longer. They need to watch him as they introduce more feeds. Tommorrow he will have a swallow study performed on him where they can tell which foods he is aspirating so they have a better idea of what foods he can eat. I guess I should give some background to why they need to do this. When he was at Primary's he had to be put on ECMO (heart lung machine) and they had to go in through the viens in his neck. They might have damaged the nerve that deals with his vocal cords and also deals with his swallow. His right vocal cord is paralized and hopefully over time if the nerve is just stretched it will improve. If it was cut then his voice might not come back. But we are hopeful because he could hardly talk when he was discharged from Primary's and just since that time his voice has improved a lot. We are anxious for tomorrow swallow study to see what foods he can eat, because the poor little guy is so hungry and wants to eat so bad.
As a result of the pneumonia he is in isolation and every nurse and doctor that comes into his room has to put gowns, gloves and masks on. Emma was given a mask to put on a hospital dolly that she got at Primary's and she found it in her room tonight. She immediately wanted to wear it. I took the chance to take her picture because she never has wanted to wear it until tonight. I thought it was very fitting considering Burke is in isolation. He didn't get the pneumonia from someone, so he probably is not contagious (especially now that he is on a very powerful antibiotic) but they take every precautions to make sure everything is sanitary for others.
Overall Burke is doing well and very anxious to get out of the hospital yet again. But he has been such a trooper and has dealt with all the doctors and their examinations for the most part, really well. Hopefully after this pneumonia goes away we can have a couple weeks of peace and quiet before he has to go to Primary's again for another heart catheter to balloon open his arteries at the end of January.
Oh my goodness!!! Your little boy is such a fighter! We will continue to keep Burke and your family in our prayers!
Oh no - not again. I'm sorry you guys have to spend so much time at the hospital, but I could see how it would be somewhat easier being near your own home. I think of you all the time and hope things improve. Best of luck with tomorrow's tests.
just when you think you might be able to come up for a breath....! I wish you guys would move on to happy times already! :) He really is a tough little kid, but nothing to match his mom and dad. We love you!
Please please please tell me when you're home, I have a small gift for you:-) Update how the tests went?
Rachel - will this ever end???? I am sorry to hear of the roller coaster you are on. Little Burke is such a fighter and I am constantly amazed at what you all are enduring through. We'll continue to pray for you all.
We should just call him superman Burke! I can't imagine going through all that! We will keep you in our prayers. If you ever want to sneak over for a movie let me know!
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