Need I say more. I love this girl. She is so full of life I LOVE it. This picture was taken yesterday at the ranch. I asked her that question while she was washing the four wheelers with daddy. She was a huge help to him.
Emma with cousins Kennedy and Sydney
Emma loving walking through the cold river!
Here is the after the river picture where we had to walk through a bunch of sand to get back to the four wheeler.
Burke sat quietly at the river bank totally engrossed in the millions of rocks right under his nose. Needless to say, he ate a bunch of sand that night sucking it off the rocks he'd found.This is his "innocent face".
This is our second time going up to the Ranch within two weeks. We had so much fun on Labor Day weekend up there that we decided to go again this past weekend. The weather is beautiful in McCall at this time of year. The days are perfect weather, and the nights are cold and crisp and in the morning we get to build a fire. We are grateful that we have such a place to escape to from everyday life here in Boise. The Breinholts were up in Donnelly with Mike's parents and so they came to spend the day with us on Saturday and we had a blast with their family. We rode Hawkeye, played horseshoes, Becca and I played Speed which was so fun, and Tyler and Mike went on a long four wheeler ride to the lookout point and got a tour of it. We went and played on the awesome rope swing. I could go on and on, but we had a blast with them! The kids loved it too. Here are some pictures from the past two times of going to the Ranch.
Holding his tool while ridin' his horse. Boy through and through.
If we let Burke he would've driven the four wheeler by himself- he loved it!
I got a couple of chances to ride too
Little Adorable Savannah
I love the walking away pictures. I think this is when McKayla was walking the horse and Ben is riding.
This is Ben and McKayla Breinholt who were great riders!! Good job guys!
Thanks so much Becca and Mike for coming over to spend the day with us, we had a great time!!
The Ranch looks like so much fun! What a nice place to go and relax for a while! Take care!
Is it possible this is the same Hawkeye that I rode when I was little? I recognize the white star on his horses really live that long? Amazing! What a memory for me to read about him.
Yep, that's him. He is a great ol horse and has been around for a long time. He is starting to get arthritis and it is so sad to see because he is just an awesome horse. That's fun to hear that you rode him when you were little!
That was awesome!!!!! we had such a fun time, we gotta do it again sometime :)
I haven't been to the ranch in forever! Looks like you guys had a blast though. Can't wait to see you this weekend.
how fun! we totally missed a party! love that first pic of emma...cute lil thing.
Looks like a fun time. What a great place to take the kids (who couldn't be cuter by the way). I love that picture of Emma with her doll and the one of Burke where he is looking out of the corner of his eyes. How adorable. You and Ty look great too!
Hi Rachel. This is Becky, Nathan Taylor's wife. I would love to add you to my blog but I need your email address first. You can send me an email at beckyataylor(at)gmail(dot)com.
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