Saturday, August 14, 2010

SHHHH! Don't Tell!

SHHHHH!!! Here's a sneak peek at the fun we will have next weekend on Burke's 3rd Birthday!!! This is part of his present. I am going to make a holster for a wooden rubber band shooter that Tyler is making! We are so excited to give these homemade presents to Burke this birthday! I think he will love it, don't you? He asked for a Captain Hook/Peter Pan Cake where they are fighting on top of the cake. We will see Tyler's cake making skills put to the test on this one! More pictures to come on the big day! (back)
(back with mask to match)


B Fam said...

That is AWESOME! Wish I could see his face when he sees it! Can't wait to see pictures of the cake. Hope he is finally feeling better by then!

Jenny said...

Now where's Wendy's and Tinkerbell's costumes? ha ha ha

Rachel Johnson said...

That's right, I need to get your measurements for Wendy's costume and I will be sure and measure E tonight! I'll send it in the mail as soon as I can so you can have it for his birthday on Saturday- because you will be there right? I mean because I expect you to! ha ha ha! I have a feeling he will love it- along with his wooden shooter Ty is gonna make- i can't wait for Saturday!!