Thursday, July 29, 2010

An American

I am an American. I was born in the United States of America. I am proud to be an American. This is my homeland. I will forever be proud to call this beautiful country my home. But is America today what it was intended to be when our Founding Father's built this free nation? I don't think it is the same America. It has changed over years and years of distorting the fundamental laws of the land and most importantly the laws of God. And it is changing now more rapidly than ever. Our freedoms are being taken and stolen right out from underneath us. Our liberties are almost gone. Our families and the family unit is being attacked. Outright attacked. Our economy has tanked and will probably not be stable again for a very long time- at least until the people in the government now are taken out of office. Our nation, our America, is changing, and not for the good. I feel change is good when it is in the right direction. Our nation needs to change and become what our Founding Fathers intended it to be. The lived and died for this country and for a nation that would have a government led by the people and for the people. Our government today is too large and it is not a good government.

We the people of this most amazing nation need to stand up for the principles that this nation was founded upon. It is high time that we make a radical change back to the basics of the laws of nature and the laws of God. It is time to fight for what we know is right. Our government is corrupt and evil and needs to be corrected before it is too late. We have got to do our part in helping restore America back to what it once was. And we can do it. We have to, it is part of our duty as American's to uphold the principles and standards of a free nation or we will not be able to have it any longer. That is all there is to it.

Recently, I have become more interested in our Founding Fathers. Partially due to many factors. Partially due to a theory I have come to understand more called "A Thomas Jefferson Education". This is a theory of how learning and understanding should be acquired. The Founding Father's were education men. They were learned in the classics. They were learned in a wide variety of subjects and they were taught in their homes. I have found this theory of education to be very though provoking and very inspiring. I want to implement this into my family and with my children.

Another way that I have come to yearn for a better understanding of the Founding Father's is from Glenn Beck. Now some of you will just quite reading right there. But don't. I say gain your own opinion of Glenn Beck before you make assumptions about him. I say he is a modern day John Adams. Adams, lived and he died for this nation. He made sacrifices that would be unheard of to make in today's world. His family and his wife made significant sacrifices for this nation and all so that they and we could experience life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness here in America. Glenn Beck, yes is a radical, but so were many of the founding fathers. Glenn Beck is sacrificing much for this nation right here right now. He is fulfilling his duty here on earth. He is trying to obey God's commandments, he is trying to uphold good standards, and he is fulfilling his obligation to protect the principles and values that this nation was founded upon. And I applaud him for all his work.

Yes, you can critic him on all his mannerisms and all his quirks, but if you really listen to what he is trying to teach on his shows (radio and TV) and if you do your own research to figure out for yourself what he is teaching is true or not, then you will being to see that what he is trying to do is to help save America. That is ALL he is trying to do! Please go check out what he is trying to do everyday on The Glenn Beck Show. He also has an amazing special on Fridays called Founding Fridays in which he tries to showcase the founders of our nation in an effort to try and teach America about our heritage. For we have an amazing American Heritage! His shows are at 5pm and 2am ET on the Fox News Channel. Please check him out and see what you think.

I have been to many of the American historical sites and seen for my very own eyes these amazing places were even more amazing people came from and dwelt. I have gone through many history classes. But, it has not been until I am gotten older and had children and a family of my own that I really have come to yearn for there to be a restoration in America back to what it once was. I am scared for my children if we allow this evil government to continue doing what they are doing. They are slowly and in a very manipulative way taking away our life, our liberties and our pursuits of happiness's. I am scared for my son who was born with Congenital Heart Disease. All along he has had great medical care. What will happen when we go to the social health care plan? What is going to happen to our doctors, our nurses and our abilities to receive the care that is necessary for advancements and technologies to flourish? How good will our health care be when "Obama-care" is put into action? It is scary and I hope we can put an end to the evil that is happening in our big government as we speak.

There are many things that I worry about in regards to this nation. We must do our part in helping change the course of direction for our nation. It is our duty. God blessed us so much that he put us here on this continent so we can uphold our duties and obligations. We must start now. We must get educated. We must. We must educate our children. We must teach them morals, values and principles of God's law, and we must teach them in our homes. Heaven knows that with the government and leaders in power now these values will not be taught in our schools. Yet we must continue to keep God and these values in our schools. We must become statesmen. We must become patriotic again. We must uphold the standards that we set when the Founding Father's so amazingly orchestrated this nation's government. We must fight to restore that government. Of the people, by the people, for the people. We MUST!!

**Here are some of the books I have started out with in my quest to become more knowledgeable and to gain a better understanding of what I can do to improve this nation. I highly recommend all of them.

"A Thomas Jefferson Education: Teaching a Generation of Leaders for the Twenty-first Century" by Oliver DeMille

"Leadership Education: The Phases of Learning" by Oliver and Rachel DeMille and Michele Smith

The Bible

The Book of Mormon

"The 5,000 Year Leap", by W. Cleon Skousen

All of the books from

The Classics


Gina and the Gang said...

Stars and Stripes Forever!

Mike and Christy said...

I love and support EVERY thing you said! I just get so frustrated when I think about the people in "power" I can't help but feel that they are turning their back on the people who fought and died for this country, as if their sacrafice was meaningless. My brother in law says thats what happens when people elected M C Hammer pants: a fashion statement! I can't wait till he is out of office!!!

Rachel Johnson said...

Thank you guys for your comments. I am very passionate about saving and restoring this nation. This world is scary and especially the people who we the people elected to go to Washington DC! They are out of control and need to be out of office! I want to write more about trying to bring back the values this nation was founded upon. Thanks for reading and commenting- I know that it was a super long post, and I can tell from the shortage of comments that not many people read it. Politics effects everyone now and it is changing the way this nation is and the way we live and our posterity to come! We need to get involved for sure! Thanks again you guys!