Friday, February 5, 2010

Pictures, pictures, and more pictures!

These are in chronological order from where we left off before Christmas.


Gina and the Gang said...

THANK GOODNESS! If I didn't get an update soon I was going to have to drive over to Blue Oak Dental and grill your mother! He looks amazing and happy! Have fun getting used to your "normal" boy. It took us awhile!

Denise said...

Wow! Burke looks different without the o2 tube abd feeding tube! How awesome is that? NO TUBES! What a miracle and tender mercy of the Lord to have this all work out so well. So well, that he is totally acting like a normal healthy 2 year old and not going to bed! I love it! Miss you all. You're still in our prayers. Love you and Take Care.

Bear said...

Your pictures are so sweet! What a cutie. Hey, we need to be friends again. Let's hang out :) Call me.