This past month of May has been crazy busy filled with a lot of work, fun, play, and tired little kids. First, we moved at the beginning of the month. We are now down in Utah, but technically still have our residence in Idaho. Ty accepted a job down here and we will be here until we leave for Arizona in the fall. Tyler works for his sister Martha who works for the Ashton Family. Martha deals with and manages all of the outside work for all of their properties here in Utah. Tyler is really enjoying working with Martha and working outside again.
Here is Emma and Burke getting ready to make the trip to Utah. Burke is out already and Emma is holding the good-bye present from Molly her cousin. Molly- she loves the notebook and thank you so much for thinking of her, she uses it nearly everyday!

We have been playing with Aunt Martha a lot. We see her daily and the kids are loving spending time with her. This is a very classic picture and captures Emma to a T. She loves taking pictures especially with people's phones. She can figure out anyone's cameras on their phone.

This is also another picture that depicts Emma in her true nature- she loves being the center of attention!! Front and center is the way it goes for her- okay, so she is a lot like the way her mom was when she was younger, and if she keeps that up, Tyler and I are in for it big time!!

Here's the Burke telling Martha all about something that is fascinating him. I love it when he describes things that he can't exactly tell us everything in normal words.

Thank you Martha for loving our kids and playing with them so much! We are so glad we are able to spend this summer with you and live so close to you! We love it!
I have so much more to post about the rest of the month, but there is a start. We are doing well and miss everyone back in Boise! We will back and forth throughout the summer so we will be sure and catch up with everyone while we are there! Until next time!
Glad to hear you are all doing well in Utah! Lots of moving for you guys this year! Good Luck!
Hi there. I had the pleasure of meeting your mom-Lynnette(sp?) on Thursday at Dr. Gades's office and she heart that my little guy also has a heart defect. We instantly made a connection because of your little Burke, and exchanged blogs. So glad to "meet" you!
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog about my sister! That was very nice of you, and means a lot to me. I can't imagine what you go through with Burke. Ugh, life can be hard. I hope everything is going well for him! It was great to hear from you on my blog :)
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