Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cardiac MRI

Well, I am writing from the recovery room at Primary's! Burkie is sound asleep (from sedation) in recovery from a sedated cardiac MRI he just had. He is usually awake by now after the MRI, but this time is quite different and quite nice I might add. An asleep sedated baby is much nicer than an awake yet sedated baby!

I guess I better hurry up because he is starting to move a little. The doctor's report was good and that his arteries have seemed to grow from the last heart catheter. GREAT NEWS!! They will know more tomorrow when the complete MRI test results come back- they reconstruct the images from the heart to represent his actual heart. So, tomorrow we will know a more complete evaluation of how the testing went so stay tuned. But overall we and the doctors feel happy with the results!

We are now just going to wait. The doctors feel that nothing too urgent needs to happen with Burke and anytime soon (in regards to a surgery), so the plan as of right now is to wait. When we get down to Arizona we will get checked out by the Cardiologists there and just wait for when the time is right to fully fix his heart!

Seriously this kid is precious. Here he is the other day water color and notice the feeding tube again as well! Farewell, until next time when Burke will return to his happy self again!

1 comment:

Kaila said...

I am so glad he is doing well! And I hope the rest of you are well too. Good luck with the move to AZ at least you will miss some of this summers heat. We miss seeing you up here.