Here are some pictures of the graduate on his big day. I love you so much Tyler and am grateful for your hard work and passion you put into everything you do!
Those smiles are as big as they are because from this day forward we are not going to be starving broke students any longer--do you see the utmost joy on our faces?!
Here we are with Tyler's parents.
My parents came all the way from Northern Cali to support and honor Tyler on his big day! Thanks so much for coming mom and dad it was a fun weekend!
"The women" in Tyler's life excluding Emma.
hooray for you! I can feel your sigh of relief!
nor more schoolwork, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks!
Congratulations Tyler - you have always been a hard worker in every aspect of life. I would never expect anything less.
NOw on to bigger and better things. Congratulations to you both!! Does he already have a job lined up?
Congratulations to you and Tyler!! Now you can move on to the next phase of life! The pictures of Emma and Burke are so adorable.
Congrats to Tyler!
wohoooooooooo!!!! you da man ty!
Yeah for Tyler! I'm so glad you came last night, it was so fun to see you. We need to get together soon. -Katie-
Congratulations Ty! What a great accomplishment. I bet it feels great! Look like you guys had a great time with all the family in town too. How fun!
Congratulations on finishing...I'm sure it's so nice to have this behind you. Hope you're doing well!
Rachel! I'm so glad that you found my blog! Morgan and John are in our ward out here in Walnut Creek. Wow, it is so great to see little Emma! She looks a lot more like you than I remember. And Burke is so handsome. It's amazing how much he's been through so far. There's another girl in our ward who's baby is a few weeks younger than Burke who has been through multiple heart surgeries already, too. You should read her blog (on my blog her link is "Heidi M"), if you think it would help. She's a really strong woman and has a lot of good insight. Anyway, your family is gorgeous and you still look great! Tell Tyler congrats for graduating (and congrats to you for waiting for this day!) OH, I'm so glad you blog.
For he's a jolly good fellow...for he's a jolly good fellow...for he's a jolly good fellow...which nobody can deny! Congrats Tyler and Rachel. Welcome to the world where "homework" doesn't exists
I am so glad to be a part of a new and exciting world, where no homework exists!! I am so thrilled to have ty done with school I cannot even explain my joy! Thanks all who commented, its fun to hear from everyone and thank you for celebrating with Ty, he really worked his tail off, and now onto bigger and better and less stressful things! YEAH!
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