After the long post yesterday I thought I would keep it short and only post pictures! After we got home from Utah with Burke I went to pick Emma up from Payette Lake in McCall, Idaho where she was staying with Ty's sister's family the Labradors at the Turnbull's Cabin. Ty came up the next day with Burke. We had a great time. Thank you to the Labrador family for taking Emma in like she were your own. We really appreciate all the many times you have taken Emma while we were with Burke. We love you and Emma loves her second family!! Here are some pictures of that trip and also when we got home. Okay, some writing, not a lot though right!
Emma below has a cute little wedgie (sp? I don't think I've ever written that word before.) And yes that is a huge snow pile, and what month is it?
I am so glad to read your updates! I have been wondering how everything went and don't have your number or e-mail or anything so I'm glad you have a blog! I sure hope things continue to go as best as they can! Will you send me your info? Our e-mail is Hope to talk to you soon!
It was nice to read an update. You are so strong Rachel! I hope everything with Burke continues to go as well as can be expected.
What a fun time in McCall. We just love it there and go any chance we get. I don't have your e-mail, but I'm looking for addresses for Jenny, Tucker and Martha. Chris is getting married this month and we weren't sure on those three...has any one else moved in the last year that we would need a new address?
Hey Rachel! Don't worry about all the questions, ask more if you have them! Yes, that is Melissa and Ryan in those pictures. They actually started dating in May 2003, so right when we were graduating high school! Based on what I have heard him say, he doesn't want to get married until he is done with school (a few years left), but they plan on it. By the way, I went to back-to-school night at Del Oro for my little brother because my Mom is out of town. Oh my gosh, I love that place. I went over to our senior tile section, it was really neat to remember people. I think we were really blessed to go to such a great school. It sounds like you and your family are very happy, that is wonderful. Let me know what else if going on with you, and any other inquiries you have! :)
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